Honouring our war heroes in Carnforth

The War Memorial in Carnforth is a focal point for the town, however the area around the Memorial, known as the War Memorial Garden needed re-paving and Rowland Homes were delighted to donate £500 to this worthwhile cause.

The memorial was originally paid for by public subscription, the residents and local business owners raising almost £1000, a magnificent achievement for the time.

The unveiling ceremony was a very grand affair involving a parade by soldiers from the Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment accompanied by a military band. It was estimated in a local newspaper report that over 2000 people were in attendance, lining the streets around the Memorial, cheering and waving flags.

This November sees the centenary of the unveiling of the Memorial and it will be marked by re-enacting the unveiling ceremony, complete with a military parade and pipe band, on Saturday 9th.

Stephen Grant, Sales & Marketing Director for Rowland Homes said "As soon as Carnforth Town Council got in touch, we wanted to help out with this very worthwhile cause. At our development in Carnforth, Riverside Place we have named three of the thoroughfares after three of the servicemen whose names appear on the War Memorial, so it was only fitting to help."

Carnforth war memorial

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