Sold house


Sell your house for free

If you have a house to sell, we can help. We'll take control of the selling of your old house and when it's sold, you're free to reserve your brand new Rowland home.

Customers with their sold house


  • We pay your estate agent fees
  • Hassle free way to help sell your home
  • Receive a bespoke marketing plan for your property
  • Rowland take control of your house sale
  • When your house is sold you can reserve your new home
Charming new Rowland home

How it works

  • We'll value your existing house and agree a realistic selling price, free of charge
  • Just pay a small deposit of £250 to instruct marketing of your home (fully refundable, up to point of reservation)
  • We market your house vigorously to maximise the best price for you
  • Once your old home is reserved, you’re free to reserve the Rowland Home you would like to purchase
  • Once your old home is sold/completed – you will be able to move into your new Rowland home when it is build complete/ready for your occupation.
  • We pay your estate agent fee upon completion of your new home*

*Available on selected plots. Terms & conditions apply. Please see our Offers terms & conditions page for full details.


My favourite homes

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